BizData provides AI-based autonomous operation solutions by combining environmental HW,
data production HW, and data analysis solutions in the water, air, and waste fields.
Project 01. Seoul Gangbuk Water Purification Plant_AI based water purification treatment
For the Gangbuk Arisu Water Purification Center in Seoul, we collected water treatment data and developed an AI-based algorithm to determine the optimal chemical input rate for water purification treatment, and verified the improvement effect when applying the algorithm through uninterrupted actual operation. Details related to drug injection can be monitored in real time.
Project 02. Seoul Seonam Water Reclamation Center_Sewage and wastewater treatment operation AI solution
We developed an AI based analysis model to support sewage treatment operation decision-making for the Seonam Water Reclamation Center in Seoul, and verified verification of the accuracy of the developed model.
Project 03. EMS pilot construction in Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do
A smart energy management system (EMS) was pilot built at the Hwaseong Water Purification Plant in Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do. We verified water supply stability, real-time response ability, cost reduction effect, and operation management stability through AI-based EMS uninterrupted operation.